
COMING SOON: New and Enhanced Constituent Management Features

We are pleased to announce that significant enhancements to member and constituent management functions will be released soon!


Clearer Names in Feature List

To eliminate potential confusion between member management (where you create logon accounts and assign permissions) and membership management (for organizations  that sell memberships), we are renaming member management.
  • Constituent management. Every Doubleknot organization uses the Constituent Management section to create logon accounts, assign permissions and search for constituents.
  • Membership management. For organizations that offer memberships such as zoos, museums, nature centers and science centers, the membership management section is where you will create membership types, view membership purchases and create membership discounts.

To create, edit and search for constituents, click the new Constituent Management item in the Administer panel

Constituent Management item in the Administer panel


Powerful Search and Display Options

The first tab in the Constituent Management is the Constituents tab, which allows you to create new constituents and search for constituents who meet your search criteria. In this example, we searched for the constituent named Casey Doe.


Constituent search results (click to view a full-size image)

Constituent search results

Multiple options are available for the search results, including:

  • Selecting which data columns are displayed
  • Saving the search to locate matching results easily in the future, or to use as a recipient list in Communication Center
  • Downloading the current search results to a local file
  • Viewing and/or updating the constituent profile including logon name and password


Constituent Information at Your Fingertips

When you click  Details to view constituent information, a new constituent profile is displayed that contains all available information and options. The top of the record will always display information about the constituent and access to common features including photo, options to change logon ID and password, contact information and any special notes entered by an administrator. These notes are never visible to the constituent. However, the note will be displayed to staff who scan the person’s membership card or tickets so, for example, you can ensure that VIPs are identified and treated accordingly. The tabs on the left provide access to different parts of the constituent’s complete profile including purchase history, permissions, memberships and more.


The constituent profile provides access to information and all administrative functions (click to view a full-size image)

New constituent profile information


No action is required for your organization to take advantage of the improved constituent management feature. More information about the enhancements will be available soon.

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