Document Library Storage Increased for All Doubleknot Clients!
| Written by
Doubleknot Support |

As a result of last month’s infrastructure changes, we are pleased to announce that the storage limit for the Document Library has been increased to 1 GB for each organization and suborganization! The additional storage space makes the Document Library an even better tool for sharing documents within your organization and with the public. Benefits of the Document Library include:
- Support for DK Links. You can use the DK Links feature in the rich text editor to easily create a link to any document or document folder in the library.
- Other people in your organization can link to a document or document folder. If you attach a document to a Communications Center email, no one else in your organization can publish a link to the document. But, if you upload the file to the Document Library, it’s easy for other people in your organization to include a link to the document in Communications Center emails, on Site Brander web pages, in Newsroom articles, or anywhere else in Doubleknot.
- Easy maintenance of frequently updated files. If you have a document that’s updated frequently, like a leader’s manual, you can create an entry for it in the Document Library. When the document is updated, you can upload the most recent version to the existing Document Library entry. All links to the document will automatically display the most recent version.
- Access control. You can make documents and folders in the Document Library visible to the public or only to people who have logon accounts for your organization. launched a major change to their algorithm for search results on mobile devices. Mobile-friendly web sites will be placed higher in the search results. And, mobile-friendly sites will display a mobile-friendly label in the search results, letting people know before they click your link that they’ll have an optimal mobile experience on your site.