October E-Scouting Action

Welcome New Scout Families & Leaders!

Fall is an exciting time in the Flint River Council!
Over 1,000 new Scout families are joining Scouting at their local school in the 8 counties that we serve. It's great to see the excitement in the eyes of boys as their parents sign them up for the experience that is Scouting.

Scouting doesn't happen without Leaders; and it's not always excitement that we see in the eyes of parents when they sign up to be new leaders! We want you to know how much we appreciate your willingness to serve as a leader in your son's Pack or Troop. We also want you to know that there are resources and people in your District and Council waiting for the opportunity to help you be successful.

You will make a lasting impact.
Make no mistake; your involvement will have a deep and lasting impact on the youth that you serve. Know this; the youth that you serve will have a deep and lasting impact on YOU!

Scouting.org resources are at your fingertips.
The place to start is with an online visit to https://myscouting.org. Look under the Training Tab and select E-Learning to see a menu of available online courses to help you be a better leader. We all need Youth Protection Training and then you can select the courses best suited for your new leadership position.

Visit the Council website.
Take the time to visit the Council website at www.flintrivercouncil.org where you can find contact information, a Council calendar of events and news about happenings in your District and the Council.

Visit the Scout Shop.
It's worth a visit to one of two local Scout Shops (directions on the council website) to shop for printed materials and uniforms. The helpful staff at the Scout Shop is ready to answer many of your questions and give you guidance on many things.

Thank you very much for volunteering! We'll be in touch to make sure you have the tools you need and we're working hard to help you be the best leader you can be. What? You didn't volunteer to be a leader in your son's Unit? Great news! It's not too late. Talk to your Unit Leaders or call the Council office and we'll get you signed up to share the excitement!


2013 Popcorn Sale


The 2013 Popcorn Sale is in FULL SWING!! Get your Unit organized & mobilized!

Not only will Scouts earn money for their Unit, but will also have a great time earning some AWESOME prizes! Starting Monday, September 30 through Monday, October 28, we will be giving away FIVE iPad minis through drawings on our website. There are currently 93 Scouts registered! All you have to do is sell $300 worth of popcorn and register at www.flintrivercouncil.org by clicking the iPad link. The sooner a Scout joins the $300 club, the more chances they have to win!

Visit the Flint River Council website for the latest information and "Let the Adventure Begin!" 

Will YOU be our next winner?


Spook-O-Ree is Almost Here!

Bring your Pack, Den or family to Lawhorn Scouting Base for a spoookyyyy good time!

Show off your BB shooting skills, come to our spooky campfire or brave the haunted trail.  Registration is now open for both pack AND individual registrations so ask your pack how they want you to register. These weekends are filling up quickly so REGISTER NOW!!

Spook-O-Ree #1 (October 11-13)
Spook-O-Ree #2 (October 18-20)
Spook-O-Ree #3 (October 25-27)

Leaders- In order to get all the details and to discuss campsite options, please contact us about your Pack's plans for Spook-O-Ree.

Parents- Be sure to check with your Pack/Den leaders to get information about registration. If your group is not attending or you need to come a different weekend, please give us a call and we'll be glad to assist you.


Cub Scout Rangemaster Training

Parents and leaders, do you want to take your Pack for a shooting weekend at Lawhorn Scouting Base for a  reduced fee? If your Pack is attending Spook-O-Ree, this is the PERFECT opportunity for a Cub Master or other adult in your Pack to receive this training!

Class will begin Friday evening and will continue with the practical portion on Saturday. You will have one shift on the archery range and one shift on the BB range. In no time, you will be fully trained! Give your Pack more opportunities for fun by signing up now!





COPE Instructor Training


Become a qualified instructor and join the top notch C.O.P.E. Team at Lawhorn Scouting Base!

Training is open to individuals age 16 and older and will begin Friday, November 8 at 7:00pm through Sunday, November 10 at 7:00pm. Use your training as an instructor for others or your own Unit.



Cub Scout Climbing Weekend

Come to camp November 15-16 and enjoy this fun filled weekend of climbing for ALL Cub Scouts. Webelos can participate in both climbing and rappelling as they journey closer to becoming Boy Scouts.

Just $20 per Scout and $5 per adult covers the cost! (Note: If not staying the night, no charge for adults.) Space is limited so make sure you register by November 5th! 






Boy Scout Climbing & Rappelling Weekend

 Lawhorn Scouting Base will host an action packed climbing and rappelling weekend December 14-15 at the Eagle Mountain Climbing Facility. Those over the age of 13 can also go for a ride on our 480' zip line!

A fee of $20 per Scout and $5 per parent for this weekend includes overnight camping on Saturday night in one of the platform tents in the Flint River Adventure Area. Check-in will be Saturday, December 14 at 8:00am and the activities begin at 9:00am. (If just staying for the ay, no charge for adults)






Cub Fall Fun Weekend

Calling all Cub Scout Families!

The fun at Lawhorn Scouting Base continues in the Fall with out Cub Fall Fun Weekend and we look forward to seeing you there!

Fall Fun Weekend is camping at its best! The crisp fall air and the beauty of camp provide the perfect backdrop for this weekend of fun for the whole family.

The cost is a low $19 per person for our platform tents-families pay for a maximum of 3 people for a family of 6.






Polaris Winter Adventure 2013

December 27-31

Have you ever wanted to:

...swim with Polar Bears?
..."snowboard" in the South?
...spend the night "Out Cold"?

Then you are ready for Polaris Winter Adventure!

Register now for the Polaris Winter Adventure featuring traditional merit badge sessions, troop activities, and high-adventure opportunities. Polaris includes unique adventures and evening activities found no place else. Activities include the Polar Bear Swim, Out Cold overnight, a Yukon Experience and much more!

Come with your Troop or as a Provision Scout.

Leaders-The Polaris Leader Guide is available at www.lawhornscoutingbase.org. Contact us to lock in your campsite before they fill up! Don't miss out on this great weekend of camp!






Camp Thunder 2014

Reserve your spot now for Camp Thunder in 2014 and experience all the thrills of summer camp along with whitewater rafting! With so many amazing things on the horizon in 2014, don't be the Troop that misses out on the adventure.


$50 off for the first 200 Scouts registered for Week 5 or 6. Don't delay-registration is now open!

Some weeks already 50% FULL! Book your reservations today!

Call the Camping Department at (770) 227-4556 or for details and to reserve your campsite. See you at Lawhorn!


Spotlight on:

Cub Scout Diego Rodriguez Receives Certificate of Merit

At the September 19, 2013 Flint River Council Executive Board meeting, Cub Scout Diego Rodriguez was presented with a Certificate of Merit for his heroic actions during an incident at home.

Diego's mother, Ivelisse Rodriguez, suffered a severe burn while preparing dinner for the family. Because of Diego's emergency training he learned while visiting the 911 center with his Tiger Cub den, he was able to call 911 and administer care to his mother while waiting on help to arrive.

Diego's parents consider him to be a hero, helping his mother get through this incident, and so does the Flint River Council.

Diego is currently a Wolf Scout with Pack 346, chartered by Faith Baptist Church in Stockbridge, in the Tussahaw District.

To read Diego's full story



Membership Fee Increases for 2014

In order to continue to deliver the nation's foremost youth program, it is occasionally necessary to increase membership fees so that we can offset rising administrative costs. For this reason, the Boy Scouts of America is increasing its membership fee from $15 to $24 per year to all registered Scouts and adults effective January 1, 2014.



Silver Beaver Nominations

Silver Beaver nominations need
to be received in the Council Office by December 31, 2013.



Scout Safe

Has your Unit looked at the requirements for the Council Scout Safe Award?

You may qualify to receive a ribbon and a certificate that you can proudly display in your meeting place. Show that your Unit is one that strives to put the safety of its youth and volunteers first!




Religious Emblems for Catholic Scouts

Catholic Scouts interested in earning religious emblems should contact their Troop Leaders or their Church.          

Boy Scouts can earn Ad Altare Dei and Pope Pius XII while Cub Scouts can earn Light of Christ and Parvuli Dei. For additional information about these emblems, visit www.aaccos.org or contact Ynes Ortega at ynes.ortega@gmail.com


The Hornaday Award


The Hornaday Award is the foremost conservation award in the Scouting program. Six Scouts and four volunteers have been recognized with a Hornaday Badge in the Flint River Council since 2010. Units also have an opportunity to earn a recognition for conservation service.

If a Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturer is interested in the Hornaday Award program, the following steps should be taken PRIOR to beginning with any work outside of the Merit Badge requirements:

  1. Read all information regarding the requirements and expectations on the National BSA Hornaday webpage.
  2. Contact the Council Conservation Committee, Keith Larson at 678-525-7713 or keith_larson@bellsouth.net