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Viewing your RSS feeds on your iPhone is not only fun, it's also very convenient. To accomplish this you will have to acquire an RSS feeder application.  This may cost up to $1.99 on Apple application store, however some feeders are free with limits on the number of feeds you can receive. Following are the step to acquire the application and subscribe to this feed:

  1. On your iPhone go to the "App Store".
  2. Touch the "Search" icon at the bottom and type in "feeder".
  3. Select the RSS feeder you want and install the application on your iPhone.
  4. After the application is installed, run it and then touch "Edit" at the top, then "+" and type in the following URL:
  5. After typing in the URL, click on Search and you are on your way.

Remember this organization does not provide support for the feeder application.

Have Fun!

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