Three Harbors Council, BSA
330 South 84th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468

Boy Scout NOVA/STEM Camporee

Save the date!!
The Boy Scout NOVA/STEM Camporee the weekend of August 8, 9 & 10, 2014. Three Harbors Council along with our Fabulous Supporter GE Healthcare Institute will be hosting a NOVA/STEM Camporee the weekend of August 8th, 9th & 10th 2014. 
Every Scout who pre-registers will be guaranteed to earn his NOVA Award, or if he already has the Patch, a π pin to go on it!
Keep an eye out for further information or call District Executive Larry Danner at (414) 443-2862, or email

Three Harbors Council, Boy Scouts of America  I  330 South 84th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468
